Monday, September 24, 2018

Masking Tape Shoes

Finish Shoes Photos

Materials: shoes, tracing paper,pencil, masking tape, X-acto knife, cutting mat, and ruler.
Dimensions: the shoes are a size 9 and wide.
To Do: I had to touch the shoe a lot and figure out the measurements of the shoe. In doing so I realize it had more texture and curves. In the process of replicating the shoe out of paper first gave me a better understanding of form. When the template is strong like the paper shoe it makes making the masking tape all the effortless. But unfortunately I forgot about the relief at the bottom of the shoe, which was the hardest to replicate.
What I Learn: while for one thing I learn that making something you have to take in ever detail in order to make something successful. Also much like sculpting, you have to feel for what you are doing.

Touch Assignment

These series of images show how a child is hurt in the past or grow up in a abusive household.The pain and hurt is still there and hurts their current relationship.